If your question is not listed here, please contact the event secretariat at [email protected]
February 18, 19 and 20, 2025
Yellow Pavilion at Expo Center Norte – Av. Otto Baumgart, 1.000 – Vila Guilherme, São Paulo
The visit is aimed at professionals and academics who work in the Pet Animal Health (Veterinary) sector.
Sim, desde que acompanhado dos Pais ou responsáveis, o responsável deverá assinar um Termo de Responsabilidade pelo menor, quando chegar no evento.
Sim, os participantes podem escolher entre as 29 trilhas de conhecimento que mais se enquadram no seu perfil profissional, os valores de iscrições podem serconsultador em www.animalhealthexpoforum.com.br/forum
A inscrição para visitar a exposição é gratuita! Garanta sua inscrição antecipada e evite filas no local. O credenciamento de visitante não inclui acesso aos fóruns científicos, mas permite a participação no auditório de Gestão e Políticas Públicas.
No, it's not necessary. The forum ticket grants access to your chosen knowledge trail and 3 days of visitation to the event.
If your purchase is made for the government, through commitment, please contact our customer service by email [email protected]
Oevento já fornece 40% de desconto aos participantes por meio de parceiros, consulte a organização.
Você pode obter mais 10%, arredondando para 50% nas seguintes situações:
– O CRMV do seu estdo por apoiador institucional da Animal Health;
– For sócio de entidade de classe apoiadora da Animal Health;
Para utilizar sua cortesia, é necessário cancelar a compra do ingresso, no entanto, você tem 7 dias após a compra para solicitar o reembolso integral, sendo crucial realizar a solicitação formalmente por meio do e-mail: [email protected]
After 7 days to request a full ticket refund, it will not be possible to proceed with the request, and your courtesy may be transferred to another participant.
Yes, certificates will be issued to forum visitors and participants after completing the satisfaction surveys sent at the end of the event.
Yes, a full refund can be requested up to 7 days after purchase, and it is essential to make the request up to 48 hours before the event via email [email protected]
No, half-price law 12,933/2013 is only applied to cultural, artistic and sporting events. However, the value of students is lower than that of professionals.
Sim, haverá transfer gratuito para visitantes e participantes do fórum, do metro – Estação Portuguesa-Tiete ao Pavilhão Amarelo do Expo Center Norte e do Pavilhão Amarelo ao metro Estação Portuguesa-Tiete, das 9h00 às 20h00.
Discover the profile of exhibitors in the Pet & Vet Services industry
Professionals in Research, Development and innovation, purchasing,
production and heads of Pet business unit of Animal nutrition industry
are also visitors to the Animal Health Expo Forum.
Discover the profile of exhibitors from the Pet Nutrition industry
Complete Nutrition for Pets:
Nutritional Supplements:
Professionals in Research, Development and innovation, purchasing,
production and heads of Pet business unit of Animal nutrition industry
are also visitors to the Animal Health Expo Forum.
Discover the profile of exhibitors from the Pet Care Industry
Hygiene and Care Products:
Nutritional Supplements (non-medicated):
Accessories and Equipment:
Discover the Pet Health Industry Exhibitor Profile
Pharmaceutical products:
Equipment, Technologies and Innovations:
Professionals working in the areas of research, development,
Production and product development, as well as Unit Heads
de Negócios Pet also participate as visitors to the event.
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